Getting Organized & Staying Organized
New beginnings usually spur-on new organization. If you’re anything like me, that works for the first few weeks and then the novelty of newness wears off and the disorganization and messes inevitably reappear. So, how can you hang on to the organization and make it your routine? I believe the key is to keep things simple by de-cluttering your busy spaces and minimize what you have to keep organized in the first place. Sounds obvious and simple, but is it really? What seems to keep people from following this method is that recurring question in your mind, “but what if I throw this away and I need it later?” I’m here to tell you, in most cases, let it go! If you’re hesitant, I recommend a “planned goodbye.” Using three categories of deciding what to keep works for me and I love and rely on #3. Give it a try!
1-Definitely Keep
2-Keep for…Give it an Expiration Date, and stick to it!
3-Throw Away or Donate it!
Start with the Pantry
You are already one step ahead for organizing this space. These items will have their own expiration date on them already! Spend some time on giving your pantry a little makeover now that the family is back in the swing of things. Create shelves or sections that house specific types of food. Labeling is a great visual for everyone so that you (as the organizer) don’t feel frustrated by things not being put back in their place. When items have a place in your pantry, you will save time and money on your grocery shopping too. Take a peek at this pantry!
Tackle the Closets
Facing a closet clean-out can be daunting. Start with one of the easy ones in your home, get that under your belt (pun intended) and let that confidence carry you into the deep, dark depths of your teenager’s closet next. You can do it! Others have gone and survived before you. Joking aside, using the 3 categories works really well for your closet too. Think about it: 1- totally keep, I love this shirt! 2-I’ll keep for one more month, but if I don’t wear it, I’m doating it next time. 3-Definitely giving this away, it’s been here for months (maybe years) and I never choose to wear it. When you’re ready to really simplify your mornings, consider placing a 5 day closet organizer in your child’s closet and put each day’s outfit into a little section. Wo-ah! Your mornings will be a breeze!
Designate a Drop Zone
While many of the new homes have them, you can be creative and organize one in an older home too. Start by thinking about the traffic patterns in your home. Where do you come into the house, what do you carry in/out with you and what would help everyone not lose their last-minute grab-and-go necessities? Hooks, containers, labels, a calendar, and personalized spaces will get you moving in the right direction.
Learn to Love Your Laundry Room
Laundry and dishes certainly strike a chord with me. It seems like just when I think I’m all caught up, I hear a clink in the sink! Am I the only one who experiences this or are you with me? It has taken me time to retrain my thinking, but a good friend (thanks Lyndsay!) helped me learn to be grateful for all those dishes and dirty clothes. We are blessed to have the food to put on those dirty plates and to have all those clothes to dirty. She has taught me to recognize those tiny complaints and really appreciate all we have and “get to do!”
What if you give your laundry room a little TLC? Do you think it might help give the love back to you? I think it just may. Try it! Remember the 3 questions for letting things go and give it whirl in your laundry room. If you have any stray socks hanging around that haven’t found their match in months, let it go! Pick up a few containers at the store, label their contents and ask yourself what you can de-clutter and let go of so that you aren’t bogged down by unnecessary items that overwhelm your laundry space. Brightening up and clearing out this space will lift your spirits and create a feeling of motivation when you “get to do your laundry!”